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Driving Offence Solicitors in London
If you have been involved in a driving offence or have been served a Notice of Intended Prosecution, it is imperative to employ the services of an expert driving offence solicitors to maximise the chances of success. Consequences of a driving can be extensive and severe and we will do everything the law permits to save your licence. Driving offences can cause acute embarrassment and duress on both a personal and business level. Going to court for a traffic matter is a serious issue but the criminal justice system deals with people accused of Road Traffic matters in the same way as other offenders that can make you feel criminalised.
Roads are the best familiar type of transport or travelling support systems that are being used by every people in this world. Roads are preferred to be used 70% more than any other way hence because of this only there is huge traffic accumulation on the roads on the daily basis (on most of the major road connections). As the rules and regulations of the road communications is supposed to be followed by every motor driver as it is a must requirement, but still, after so much regulatory and strictness to keep the road rules and hence the smooth flow of traffic, there are some people those who get distracted from all of these. Whenever someone breaks the rules and regulations of the road traffic there is a penalty registered on his offence which could result in the total driving ban is that penalties reach to the danger number 12 received within three years.
✓ Drink Driving
✓ Drug Driving
✓ Careless Driving
✓ Speeding Offences & Defences
✓ Driving Without Insurance
✓ Traffic Light Offence
✓ Failure to Provide Specimen
✓ Police Seizure of Property